- A simple animation tool, where you can put in a 3D model and manipulate it on a timeline.
- Its an old DX9 thing that won't be updated because the original creator won't do anything with it. He may be dead or something.
- Download a model, motion data, stick them together, and voila! 3D anime porn! There are lots of nude models that are just played to some random motion data and song, making up the majority of these videos.
- Downloads
- MMD: http://www.geocities.jp/higuchuu4/index_e.htm
- MMD models and motions spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_N65CwPcvHNXTOG-E0803aCm31iLknPCwnL2gTHoxBQ/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=0
- Stages: http://pastebin.com/Fpv1iSZB
- Here's stuff from an old pastebin:
- MMD content (some sample motions and some effects, a link to tso2pmd). For use with MikuMikuDance.
- You can find most of the information you'll need for MMD at:
- http://mikumikudance.wikia.com/wiki/MikuMikuDance_Wiki
- MMD TORRENT (57 GB or 7.5 GB compressed; contains MMD, associated programs and a large collection of models):
- https://anonfiles.com/file/59869d80576480b3185c68a01e399950
- R18 model collection, courtesy of /e/:
- https://www.mediafire.com/folder/6nnkgo9065iqu/Loads_of_R18_Models
- Even larger R18 model collection, courtesy of /e/:
- http://www.datafilehost.com/d/1d36eb1f
- File Types
- .pmx = newer version of model data, either work in MMD but some programs are pmx-specific
- .vpd = pose data
- MME (MikuMikuEffect)
- This plugin lets you add special effects to your video.
- http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12149815
- http://bowlroll.net/up/dl7607
- http://www6.atwiki.jp/vpvpwiki/pages/272.html
- http://www43.atwiki.jp/beamman/
- http://harigane.at.webry.info/201010/article_1.html
- https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=a17ecb6418a4b2d1&sc=documents&id=A17ECB6418A4B2D1!134
- Advanced Editing (Lower is harder)
- 3DCG to MMD (tso2pmx)
- .tso is the save file format of 3DCG. To make a hard save, which is needed to convert, when pressing the export, hold down ctrl. The saved file should appear to have a green background, located in Documents. Drag this into the blue box in tso2pmx, then click the button on the bottom right. The resulting pmx files should be in a new folder in the folder where the .tso is.
- Download mirrored from my hdd: https://www.mediafire.com/?k5ppfh5opr4xki6
- 3D Custom Maid 2 & exporter (the tool needs work, the model needs editing after being exported)
- HF Thread: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php/444096
- Export Tool: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php/452993-Plugin-about-export-MMD-and-OBJ
- PMX Editor lets you edit models, it's everything you need to edit and create.
- Download (English Version):http://eoscustom3d.deviantart.com/art/English-Pmx-Editor-v1-1-542100208
- 64bit version mirror: https://www.mediafire.com/?k5ppfh5opr4xki6
- It also has the hipoly plugin in there. It doubles the polys on a model, but shits itself whenever it encounters certain poly structures or too many verticies in one spot.
- theres also blender/pmx plugins, pmx2mqo, etc.
- This is a tool to import models and motions into the Unity game engine, for those interested:
- http://mmd-for-unity-proj.github.io/mmd-for-unity/
- It was made for an older version of unity, but I have used it with 5.
Tso2pmd Download Music
I'd strongly advise against checking out the software unless you're over 18. What is 3D Custom Girl? Often dubbed '3DCG', 3D Custom Girl is a popular 3D dressup game where players can customize the appearance of 3D, Cel-shaded Anime Girls. นำตัวละคร 3DCG เข้าสู่ MMD ด้วย TSO2PMD ด้วยวิธีง่ายมากมาย - Duration: 6:25. Twentyfive Uppers 4,596 views. こんにちわ、今回は3Dカスタム少女のtso2pmdで 変換したキャラクターの髪のことの話です. 通常tso2pmd で変換させた後のキャラクターは.